Chapter I - Mission, Philosophical Statement, Vision, Goals and Objectives
Oratory Academy is an educational institution owned and spiritually directed by the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri of Pontifical Right, a Society of Apostolic Life of the Catholic Church. A community of Catholic lay leaders of the “Oratory of St. Philip,” along with their priests of the “Congregation of the Oratory,” are responsible not only for the running and planning of the Oratory Academy but also for maintaining the high academic and spiritual standards for which it is known. The fact that the “Congregation of the Oratory” is an institute of pontifical right within the Roman Catholic Church means that the members, along with their principal works, come directly under the authority of the Holy See.
The mission of the Oratory Academy is to promote the formation of Christian character, Catholic lay leadership, Christian fellowship and community service by integrating the gospel message with a liberal arts educational program in the spirit of joy of St. Philip Neri.
Philosophical Statement
Because all philosophies ultimately arrive at a logical order of underlying principles built on faith, we hold the following to be true:
There exists a personal loving God who is the source of all things, visible and invisible, and who manifested Himself to us through Jesus Christ, His Son, by the light of the Holy Spirit.
The ultimate destiny and purpose of all men is to be united to this God forever, and this union begins here on earth by knowing, loving, and serving Him through our neighbor.
The Christian Church is the body of Christ in the world today, guiding human behavior, achieving union with God by seeking truth, and defining moral norms.
The Roman Catholic Church, a pilgrim church, which represents the truest expression of Christ on earth lays the philosophical and doctrinal base for all the schools of the Educational System of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri of Pontifical Right.
A Catholic education, based on God, the source of all truth, must always protect freedom in pursuit of truth; and, finally,
The educational process must reflect and respect the resources of the bicultural area where the Oratory Schools are located, promoting Christian love and understanding of both cultures.
With the above declarations serving as foundational principles, which must always pervade the entire educational program, we, the founding fathers, are compelled in conscience to found a Catholic bicultural-bilingual school under the auspices of the Fathers of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri.
Every Oratory student believes the Gospel message and lives it by making a difference in the world, as each student journeys to his/her ultimate end, heaven.
Goals and Objectives
The Oratory Academy establishes the following goals to implement our school philosophy:
Develop a Christian Community Students are inspired to be ever-mindful of the presence of God. The shared experiences of worship, celebration, and dedication, allow the students to understand Christianity within the context of the Oratory Schools community.
Develop a Pursuit of Knowledge Intellectual curiosity is fostered within the school community. Systematic inquiry in dialectic promotes logical thought, giving students the opportunity to develop higher levels of thinking and knowledge. The Oratory Schools teach students how to use knowledge within real life situations.
Value Culture Teachers are aware of their roles as models in a virtuous life. Through them students learn to value culture universally, by recognizing and responding to truth, beauty, goodness, unity, and social responsibility and grace.