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Chapter V - Enrollment & General Policies

1. Health Records


The Oratory Academy takes pains to provide its students with a sound physical environment. To ensure that its students are protected from disease and accident––insofar as this is possible––The Oratory Academy requires that, before a child can participate in normal school activities, parents see to it that their child meets the following health norms:

  • 1.1 Health Statement: Parents will present The Oratory Academy with a health statement from their child's doctor, assuring the school that their child is able to participate in normal school activities without danger to self or others.

  • 1.2 Tuberculosis Test: The Oratory Academy postulant must be tested for tuberculosis. A document showing the date of the test and the dated results must be presented to the school before the child is accepted.

  • 1.3. Health Insurance: Parents whose children have insurance should present The Oratory Academy authorities with the name of their insurance company and the policy number.

    • 1.3.1 Accident Claim Form: Should a student need medical attention as a result of an injury or accident while traveling to and from, participating in or attending any regularly scheduled school activity, The Oratory Academy will provide the student’s parent or physician with a Student Insurance Accident Claim Form. The school insurance is secondary insurance policy and is valid only in the United States.

  • 1.4 Immunization: Each postulant must be immunized against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, rubella and mumps. It is the parents' responsibility to see to it that their child receives proper immunization when it is due.

  • 1.5 International residents: Foreign parents whose children have received a Baccile Calmette Guerin vaccine (BCG) are hereby notified that this vaccine does not meet either state or county requirements. The Oratory Academy must, therefore, require a tuberculosis screening or chest xray.


2. Non-Discriminatory Policy


  • The Oratory Academy does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, creed or national origin in its admission policy.


3. Catholic Philosophy and Education


  • A Catholic philosophy of education, faithful to the teachings of the Magisterium, pervades the Oratory Academy. All students, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, are expected to participate in all doctrinal, moral, and liturgical classes and programs.


4. Records


Upon enrollment, parents must present the following documents to The Oratory Academy:

  • 4.1 Catholic and non-Catholic students:

    • 4.1.1 Birth certificate (official document from court records): The Oratory Academy will determine, by means of tests, academic history, etc., the appropriate grade placement of each student.

    • 4.1.2 Social Security number.

    • 4.1.3 Documents giving custodial rights: court certified copy of the decree of divorce in question or other court documents giving custodial rights—if applicable. Parents have the responsibility of immediately informing the school of any changes in custodial rights.

    • 4.1.4 Baptismal certificate—if Christian of any denomination.​

  • 4.2 Catholic students: Catholic students will also provide The Oratory Academy with their:

    • 4.2.1 First Holy Communion certificate

    • 4.2.2 Confirmation certificate


5. Participation in the Sacraments


Students from families of all religious persuasions are, indeed, welcome in The Oratory Academy and will participate in all religious doctrinal, moral and liturgical classes and events; e.g., Bible classes, catechism classes, Christmas program, Easter program, etc. However, with regard to the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist, the following are normative for both Catholics and non-Catholics.

  • 5.1 Catholics: Catholics will not partake the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist unless they have been properly prepared in their own parish and have presented to the Oratory Academy a certificate of First Communion. They can, however, be prepared for these sacraments in the Oratory Academy.

  • 5.2 Non-Catholics: Non-Catholics will not partake of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Eucharist, unless, of course, special arrangements are made with the Rector, or his representative, for their reception.


6. Fees and Tuition


The Oratory Academy – Chapter V

  • 6.1 Registration Fee: A non-refundable registration fee per child must be paid. A 5% discount is granted when the total annual tuition is paid in full along with the building family fee prior to July 31.

  • 6.3 Tuition: Payment is due on the first day of each month; if paid after the tenth day of the month, a late charge of $50.00 per child will be applied for each month past due. February payment is excluded because of the registration fees that are paid for the next school year.

  • 6.4 Technology Resources, Workbooks and Materials Fee: A nonrefundable lab and workbook fee is required and must be paid upon registration. Textbooks and computers provided by the school are the property of The Oratory Academy. Lost or damaged and/or used, lost or damaged supply items are to be replaced by the parents throughout the school year.

  • 6.5 Extended Day: The school offers the option of extended day to all parents for an additional fee. The parents know their child’s class schedule and agree to drop-off and pick-up their child on time. A late pick-up fee of $1.00 per minute per child will be imposed and is payable with the monthly payment.

  • 6.6 Mandatory Fundraiser: The school has a mandatory fundraising fee of $250 per semester, per family, for projects such as Gala, Rifa, Lotería, Posada, etc. Each mandatory fundraising fee is due at end of each semester.

  • 6.7 Failure to Pay: Failure to pay a month’s tuition may result in the discontinuance of the Oratory Academy with no possibility of reinstatement until the balance is paid in full. Furthermore, the school will not release any academic information to include report cards, transcripts, diplomas and/or other information deemed necessary until full payment for services rendered is received. Also, parent and student access to Gradelink will be disabled.

  • 6.8 Insufficient Funds (NSF) and ACH Return Fees: There is a $45.00 fee for checks and ACH that are returned by the bank due to insufficient funds. If there are two (2) such returns, all payments, thereafter, will be made in cash, money order or cashier’s check.

  • 6.9 Early Termination of Contract: If for any reason the student(s) is/are withdrawn during the school year, parent(s)/guardian(s) understand that the current’s month charges are due and there will be no refunds after first week of July of the corresponding school year.

  • 6.10 Payment methods: Payments may be made by check, money order, cashier’s check, credit/debit card, pre-authorized ACH or pre-authorized credit card charge. Credit cards like VISA, MasterCard, and American Express are accepted. There is a % charge for all transactions made with any credit or debit card. The Pre-Authorized ACH and Credit Card authorization form is available online and in the Administration Office.

  • 6.11 Extracurricular Activities: Students with an outstanding balance to the school will not be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities, including but not limited to athletics, clubs and organizations, cultural excursions/ field trips, etc.


7. Lunch Card

  • 7.1 Hot Lunch: The Oratory Academy contracts its Hot Lunch program out to different vendors. Tickets must be purchased on a monthly basis at the reception.

  • 7.2. Lunch Boxes: A student may bring to school a balanced nutritious box or bag lunch labeled with his name. Because it disrupts school order, parents may not bring their children lunch boxes, sack lunches, and fast food during the school day.

  • 7.3 Children’s lunches will not be microwaved to avoid potential burning or chemical exposure.


8.Eligibility for Student Scholarship or Tuition Assistance


Applications for scholarships or tuition assistance can be obtained at the Oratory Academy office and, if granted, must be applied annually in accordance with the following norms:

  • 8.1 application must be completed and signed;

  • 8.2 income documentation must be attached.

  • 8.3 letter from parents addressed to the Board of Governors requesting aid must be on file;

  • 8.4 letter of reference from the family's Pastor must be on file; and, finally,

  • 8.5 application must be submitted before the last day of school. The Scholarship Committee determines which students are most suited to receive an award. A scholarship student, moreover, must maintain satisfactory levels of achievement, attendance, and discipline.

9. Records for Children of Divorced Parents

  • 9.1 Adults with rights over the student: Upon enrolling their child, divorced parents will present the authorities of the Oratory Academy a court certified copy of the divorce decree or any other court document giving custodial rights. This document will assist us in determining the adults who have court authorized access to see or fetch their child.

  • 9.2 Parents without custodial rights: The Oratory Academy abides by Texas Law and the federal Buckley Amendment with respect to the rights of the non-custodial parent. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, the Oratory Academy will provide the non-custodial parent with access to the child's academic records and other school-related information. If, however, there is a court order specifying that no information be provided to the non-custodial parent, it falls upon the custodial the Oratory Academy – Chapter V 4 parent to provide the Oratory Academy with an official copy of such a court order.


10. Enrollment Contract

  • 10.1 Contract of Common Purpose: The parents or legal guardians of the student enrolled will sign a contract with the Oratory Academy, demonstrating that, as parents, they are in agreement with:

    • 10.1.1 the "Philosophy," "Rationale," and 'Declaration of Joint Purpose of Parents and the Oratory Academy,”

    • 10.1.2 the rules and regulations for students,

    • 10.1.3 the parental promises and commitments as stated in the Oratory Academy handbook;

    • 10.1.4 that the signing of this contract implies, moreover, that these parents will, in fact, actively promote not only the Oratory Academy vision and goals but also its chosen means to achieve them.​

  • 10.2 Revocation: Experience has demonstrated, however, that even though some parents may have signed such an agreement and promise, a change in their thinking—for whatever reason sometimes occurs. This produces within the Oratory Academy family a very demoralizing tension detrimental not only to the healthy instruction of the parents' own child but also to the well being of the school. Such lack of confidence in the school will be a sufficiently serious reason to ask the displeased parents to withdraw their child immediately from the Oratory Academy.

  • 10.3. Semester Contract: All first-year parents or guardians will, therefore, be placed on a semester-to-semester contract until experience demonstrates that they do indeed agree with the Oratory Academy vision and the means chosen to fulfill it. After two semester contracts, parents will be offered a yearly contract—the Oratory Academy always reserving for itself the right not to renew this contract for good cause as determined by the Director, Rector or the Board of Governors.

  • 10.4 Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS): All foreign students are obligated to fulfill all requirements for foreign nationals studying in the United States. Contact the school administration for further instructions.


11. Declaration of Joint Purposes of Parents and the Oratory Academy


The parents of the students of the Oratory Academy participate in a Roman Catholic academic institution, which seeks to teach and preserve two cultures and two languages. Under the Academic direction of a dedicated staff of Catholic lay people, and under the spiritual guidance of the Fathers of the Oratory Academy works for excellence and international recognition in education, both religious and secular. This family, both lay and clerical, is accompanied in their apostolate by the committed Christian parents who have entrusted their children to the Oratory Academy and who:

1. strive by faith to live the Christian life;

2. are determined to grow spiritually and intellectually as models for their children;

3. are committed to the Catholic philosophy of education;

4. are ready to be involved actively in their children's education;

5. are committed to the concept and value of bilingual-bicultural education;

6. desire to provide a climate that will develop their child's potential;

7. are ever willing to promote in the community at large the benefits of bilingual-bicultural education; and,

8. cherish being a part of the Oratory Academy family by actively supporting the schools in such a way as to assure the realization of their ideals and their continuance.

Hence, parents and teachers aspire together to create a learning environment that exemplifies the best of a bilingual-bicultural heritage. Representing the best of school and home, the Oratory Academy strives to design and to implement leadership programs of spiritual, academic and physical development, which are preeminently suitable for full and successful participation in a democratic society. Without sacrificing either language or culture, the Oratory Academy student will leave his Catholic school family competent to deal with the world about him.

Of paramount importance in the previously mentioned Enrollment Contract is the observance of the "Declaration of Joint Purpose of Parents and the Oratory Academy."


12. Authorization for Medical Care


Upon enrollment of their child, parents will sign a statement authorizing the Director or other authorized personnel to obtain their child emergency medical treatment when necessary. At this time also, parents must leave the following information with the Oratory Academy authorities:

  • the name, address and office telephone of the designated physician,

  • medical condition/allergies (as diagnosed by a physician),

  • insurance company name and policy number, and

  • the hospital of their choice.


13. Medication

  • 13.1 Legally Prescribed Medication: No child will be given legally prescribed medication or any special medical procedure unless:

    • Specified signed authorization has been given by a custodial parent or guardian, and

    • the prescribed medication is appropriately labeled with its contents, the child’s name, the date, the dosage, and

    • the medication in its original container is placed in a sealed plastic bag labeled with the child’s full name, birth date, and Homeroom teacher’s name.​

  • 13.2 Non-prescription Medication: Non-prescription medication is not given at school. A child will not be given over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, or aspirin substitutes (e.g., acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.). Parents cannot send any non-prescription medication for self-administration on their child’s person or in his personal belongings. This may be considered a grievous breach of the Enrollment Contract and may result in discontinuance of services. This policy is for the health, well-being, and protection of all students.


14. Health-threatening Circumstances



  • 14.1 Accident Report: If a child suffers an injury while at school, it will be promptly documented in detail by means of an Accident Report that will be sent home with the child at the end of the same school day.

  • 14.2 Suspected Accident at School: If a parent notices that his child has been injured and suspects that the injury may have taken place at the Oratory Academy, it falls upon the parent immediately to notify the school office to clarify the matter. If the injury was, indeed, incurred at school, the parent should request a written Accident Report and /or verbal explanation of the incident.

  • 14.3 Head Injury: A parent will immediately be notified by telephone if his child sustains a head injury. All such injuries will be promptly documented in detail by means of a Head Injury Report. This report will list possible symptoms, which may require the parents to seek medical attention for their child.

  • 14.4 Illness while at School: If the child is ill or becomes ill while at school, the Oratory Academy will immediately telephone the parents, requesting that they come forthwith to remove and care for their sick child when:

    • a child exhibits obvious discomfort (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) or

    • a child has an oral temperature of 100ºF or more – axially 90ºF 

  • 14.5 Injury or illness outside the Oratory Academy: If, outside the Oratory Academy, a child has suffered injury or illness requiring special attention, the parents must inform the Oratory Academy.

  • ​14.6 Emergency Procedure: The school reserves the right to contact emergency services if deemed necessary at the parent’s expense.

  • 14.7 Physical Restraint: Any employee may physically restrain any student if the employee believes it to be necessary for the safety of the student and those around him. The employee must notify proper authorities of problems.


15. Child Abuse


The Oratory Academy faculty has been trained in the understanding of what is legally considered child abuse and can recognize its indications. All staff complies with the regulations outlined by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Child Protective Services Division, designed to help recognize and report child abuse. State law requires that any well-founded suspicion be reported forthwith.

The Oratory Academy authorities have directed their personnel to report without delay any suspected child abuse in accordance with Texas Child Abuse Statues. The professional is required by law to report a case where there is “…cause to believe that the child has been or may be abused or neglected, the professional shall make an oral report as prescribed by subsection 1 of this section no later than 48 hours after the hour the professional first suspects that the child has been or may be abused or neglected,” Texas Family Code § 261.101(b) (H.B. 1929)

The program, Protecting God’s Children, is made available to parents through the Oratory Academy four times a year.


16. Allergies and other Special Conditions

  • 16.1 Obligation to Inform the Oratory Academy: It is the parent’s obligation and responsibility to inform the Oratory Academy of any chronic medical or psychological condition that their child may suffer and of any past illness or condition, physical or mental, that may have impaired or weakened the child.

    • 16.1.1 Medical History: In the section “Medical History” of the Student Cumulative Report, parents will list the illness or problems (e.g., allergies, juvenile arthritis, asthma, juvenile diabetes, hyperactivity, special education needs, psychotherapy, etc.) about which symptoms or possible sequelae the Oratory Academy should be vigilant.​


17. Preschool Information

  • 17.1 Toilet training: All preschool and elementary level children must be properly toilet trained before beginning the school year. No diapers or pull-ups are allowed.

  • 17.2 Extra Clothing: To provide for their child’s occasional soiling of clothes, parents of preschool and kindergarten children will provide the Oratory Academy with extra clothing labeled with their child’s name enclosed in a labeled zip-lock bag.

  • 17.3 Loose Stool or Diarrhea: If a child has loose stools or diarrhea (a condition requiring special attention), the Oratory Academy will advise the parents by telephone to fetch their child immediately. Such steps must be taken to protect other children from coming in contact with bodily fluids that may transmit communicable disease.

  • 17.4 Habitual Soiling: The Oratory Academy will discontinue services to any student who, owing to medical or emotional causes, habitually soils clothes.

  • 17.5 Inappropriate Behavior: Frequent episodes of excessive crying, biting, aggressiveness, drooling, and, even vomiting, most often indicate a child’s lack of readiness for school. If a child manifests such frequent behavior, the Oratory Academy, for the good of both child and school, will discontinue services.


18. Special Education Referrals


Referrals for diagnostic testing should be made to the Administration during the first semester. Diagnostic testing is to determine the special needs of a student experiencing difficulty with the Oratory Academy curriculum or exhibiting behavioral problems. The Oratory Academy take part in the ARD (Admission, Review and Dismissal Process) meetings and the final decision for placement should be at the discretion of a school district.


19. Lost and Found


Any clothing items found in the school or on the school grounds will be placed in the Lost and Found basket. Items placed in the Lost and Found will remain there for 15 days. After 15 days, the items will be disposed. Confiscated items will be kept at the campus office in a secure location. The Oratory Academy will not be responsible for lost or confiscated items.


20. Field Trip


Field trips are a privilege. No student has an absolute right to a field trip. Students may be denied participation by the Administration if they fail to meet academic or behavioral requirements. Students who fail to submit the signed school's “Permission Form” will not be allowed to go on the field trip. Telephone calls or handwritten notes will not be accepted in lieu of the proper forms. The proper signed forms may be accepted in fax or e-mail form. (Field Trip Policy, Parent Permission, Volunteer Driver) It is the responsibility of the parent to obtain the proper required signature. The Oratory Academy will not intervene in this process.


21. Change of Address


A change of address, phone number, emergency phone number, or any other registration information should be reported immediately to the school office.


22. Sale of Merchandise


Students are not permitted to privately sell or purchase on school property any merchandise that is not part of an approved school activity for fundraising.


23. Visitors on Campus


All visitors must go to the main office to obtain a visitor’s pass before entering the cloisters. Any visitor on the campus without a pass will be reported to security and escorted to the office.


24. I-20 Form


This form is issued once the international student has applied and has been accepted for the Oratory Academy.




School staff, including teachers, counselors, and administrators, will keep confidential information entrusted to them as long as no one’s life, health, or safety is at stake. Parents will be notified promptly if there is an immediate concern.​​

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